Exchange 2003 IMAP Connector?
I know there is POP3 Connectors available in Exchange 2003, but is there a more reliable way to pull messages from an outside email hosting service? The POP3 connector seems to be clunky and my boss said he read about IMAP being a possible solution.
I know IMAP can be configured on the Outlook client to connect out, but I want the exchange server to handle this, sort of like the POP3 Connector does. Is this possible?
I would route all email into the exchange server, but this is for a 3 user shop with a dynamic IP on their internet line, so I figure leaving the hosted email outside handled by exchange may be a better deal and more stable.
May 21st, 2008 4:41pm
Both POP3 and IMAP4 are TCP which makes them reliable. IMAP is actually the "clunky" protocol if you want to present the facts to your boss.
If you're actually having problems, I'm betting switching to imap isn't going to solve anything, as it has more overhead and isnt as efficient as POP3 for this task.
but a quick search displays many options.*&q=imap4+exchange+2003+connector
you could also look on this site, and search for imap. you'll see some "pop3 connectors" also support imap.
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September 24th, 2008 7:02am