Exchange 2003 Journaling clarification
Since Exchange 2003 Journaling is supposed to capture any emails sent and/or received in a specific mailbox store, I have been expecting to see 2 copies of every internal email sent.
Ex: EndUserA sends an email to EndUserB. I would expect to see the outgoing email from EndUserA and also the incoming mail message received by EndUserB.
Currently I only see the email from EndUserA with the envelope information and attached original email. I don't see the incoming part for EndUserB.
Am I just misunderstanding what is meant by it capturing both sent and received emails?
I want to make sure what I am observing is by design (and my original misunderstanding) and not because something is wrong and it is truly missing messages.
I have Exchange Server 2003 setup with all our user mailboxes and journaling turned on that store. I have a 2nd Exchange 2003 Server (with a second mailbox store) that holds the journaling mailbox account only.
June 30th, 2010 9:28pm
Take a read through this whitepaper.I believe you should only have 1 message since both are being journaled.
Mark Morowczynski|MCT| MCSE 2003:Messaging, Security|MCITP:EMA 2K7,EDA Win 7,ES,SA,EA|MCTS:Windows Mobile Admin|Security+|
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June 30th, 2010 10:57pm