Exchange 2003 Maintenance Question
I am running Exchange 2003 SP2. We have several exchange databases on the same drive that has ran out of space. We moved two mailboxes to a store on another drive which should have freed about a gig of space but it didn't. I assume this
will be reclaimed tonight when maintenance runs on the stores. If that is correct, is there any way of forcing maintenance? We have a store actually down because of this.
September 27th, 2011 1:29pm
The store size doesnt shrink on disk unless you do an offline defrag.
Are you completely out of space on that drive? Can you move the store to another drive with more space?
How to manually move the database file location in Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange Server 2003
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September 27th, 2011 1:33pm
We are completely out of space. I was trying to avoid moving it because it's about 60 GB and will take forever. I'm afraid I may have to bite the bullet and do the move.
September 27th, 2011 1:40pm
Although online defragmentation provides some additional database space, you must defragment the Exchange database offline to reduce the physical size of the Exchange database.
How to defragment Exchange databases
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September 28th, 2011 3:53am