Exchange 2003 POP3
Hello, I have noticed a very weird issue with Exchange and was hoping that someone would guide me here..I use a pop3 client to downloadsNDRs from a mailbox, the original message contains a custom smtp header that I use to further process the message. The custom header is not visible to the POP client, unless the message was opened ( double clicked ) in Outlook. ALong with the custom header certain standard headers like
Return-Path:X-OriginalArrivalTime: don't show in the headers of the pop3 client unless the message was previously opened using outlook.Any advice is much appreciated.Thankssd
January 11th, 2009 9:34am
Hi,If convenience for you, please post the relevant message header based on the scenario that you described on the forum.And whether the pop3 client and the mailbox are the same user?ThanksAllen
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January 13th, 2009 12:58pm