We are experiencing the same error described here https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/7772bd28-a4b8-43bf-8ebf-701d77832a74/migrating-exchange-2003-to-exchange-2010-error-moving-mailboxes?forum=exchange2010
"Couldn't find database Make sure you have typed it correctly." when running get-Mailbox on a migration scenario from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010.
I see that on EMS of 2003, Administrative Groups -> Exchange Organization -> Server Name -> Properties -> Security -> Advance
we do not have checked "Allow inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object and all child objects" as the other forum thread says that it must be checked. (And I also
the question is as this is a production server:
is it safe to check this?
Do I have to take something into account?
Many thanks