Exchange 2003 Public folders
Is there any way to tell why out public folder Database is so big. Here is the information on our public folder instance
We have 19 folders the biggest is 1,552KB, then 785KB then 502KB, then 261KB then 208KB, then 101KB then the rest around 60KB.
This is really small yet our pub1.edb is 49 GB and the pub1.stm is 30KB. I am tring to find out why the pub1.edb is 49 GB..
Can anyone help.
July 23rd, 2008 7:25pm
Make sure that online database maintenance is scheduled to run and running regularly.
Open Exchange System Manager.
Expand Servers, and then expand the server.
Expand the storage group where you have PF DB.
Right-click on public folder store and then click Properties.
In the Store Properties dialog box, click the Database tab.
Make sure that Maintenance interval is set to run.
Reference: Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server information store maintenance and online defragmentation
If it is running daily then check event id 1221 for white space in your Public Folder Database. If you find huge amount of white space then you may need to go for offline defragmentation to recover that white space.
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July 23rd, 2008 7:48pm
Yes it is set to run daily and i just did an offline defragmentation. It droped it from 66GB to 48GB. I just still cannot find where this space is being used. Your company is connected to a multiple exchange envoirnment but I still cant figure out where all this space is going.
July 23rd, 2008 8:39pm
Clarify: public store database files physical size is abnormally larger, tried to defrag it but it didnt free up the amount of spaces which shall be, right?
Basic troubleshooting:
1. You have confirmed public folders size by outlook as said at your first post, very small, right?
2. Check if theres messages with larger attachment
3. Try to run an integrity check using Eseutil if error free <Eseutil /g PublicStoreFilePath>
4. Use MFCMAPI to check if theres any odd or unmatched things with your view from outlook, this tool check folders as raw data
a. Go to a PC where already have a mail profile, run MFCMAPI
b. On Session menu->choose Logon and Display Store Table->choose profile in jumped window
c. Double-click Public Folders, go to next window->expand Public Root->IPM_TREE and check
5. Perform an online defrag against the store, then go to application log, search for Event ID 701, which will tell us if its successful, and then run offline defrag again
a. Go to ESM->AG->Servers->found the public store and right-click it, choose Properties
b. Limits tab->set Keep deleted items for to 0
c. Database tab->set Maintenance Interval to run
d. Dismount and Remount store again and waiting, maintenance will start within 15 mins
e. After that, search for Event ID 701 in the application log and check
f. If online defrag ends up well, do offline defrag again
Advanced troubleshooting [check if there really has any free space, as you said the consumed size is so small]:
Notes: These steps will require downtime, possibly a few hours or so!
1. Get dump of the database
2. Stop the Information Store service
3. Go to bin directory, run: eseutil /ms "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub1.edb" > c:\eseutilms.txt
(Find some output like below)
eseutil /ms output
Name Type ObjidFDP PgnoFDP PriExt Owned Available
k:\exchdb\pub1.edb Db 1 1 256-m 2827776 30
4. 2827776 represents the number of pages that are currently owned by the root folder (pages that are used), and one page=4k of database space; 30 represents the number of free pages that are theoretically available to be reclaimed by an offline defrag
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July 25th, 2008 6:45am
Hi, Anonymous, did it work for you? How's the issue now?
July 28th, 2008 4:01am
Did not have a chance to do that yet. I will update when I do.
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July 28th, 2008 6:12pm
July 29th, 2008 4:06am
That is an emorously large difference, you may also want to grab the PFDAVadmin tool and run some exports on your public folder hierarcy. It's possible you have some large folders that you've missed in your calculations, or possibly deleted folders (do you have a large retention time set on the dumpster?)
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July 29th, 2008 4:27am
Yes my thoughts also. Here is the screenshot.
Yet my pub1.edb is 48 GB.
My retension is only 1 day.
July 29th, 2008 4:25pm