Exchange 2003 SMTP Address
Dear All,We have RDCat one locationcalled test.comThere is Exchange 2003 serverRecipient policy forthat locationusers is @test.comNow we ADC at other location & exchange 2003Recipient policy is @testasia.comWhen I add new user at other location its SMTP address gets created.The Problem is that, It takes mote than 45 min to update the same in user properties.Kindly suggest the solution to update users SMTP address immediately.Sandeep
September 15th, 2009 2:25pm
There could be a problem with RUS, create custom RUS for both the SMTP address.Check the below article to create a custom RUS for different SMTP addresses check how to troubleshoot RUS problems
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September 15th, 2009 2:37pm
Hi Sandeep,
Have you check the update interval of your Recipient Update Service? Meanwhile, after you add the new user, please manually update the RUS to see if it works well.
If you create a new mailbox-enabled user, that user cannot log on to their mailbox until the Recipient Update Service has generated the new proxy e-mail addresses. If you set the Recipient Update Service to run on a schedule, that user may have to wait a short period before they can use Exchange.
To update addresses immediately, you can force the Recipient Update Service to run manually.
related articles:
How to work with the Exchange Recipient Update Service
September 16th, 2009 11:49am