Exchange 2003 Standard to Exchange 2007 CCR Possible?
I have migrated from 2003 Ent Fail Over Cluster to 2007Ent SCCin the past and it was successful at a previous company. But with this new company I have inherited the following environment:2 Exchange 2003 Servers in a single Forest AD (one server is running standard version and the second server is running enterprise version) My questions are: 1. Is it possible to deployexch 2007 ent in CCR with existing exch 2003 standard & enterprise (non-clustered) servers? then once migration of mailboxes is done, decomission the old 2003 servers? 2. Is it possible to include all exch 2007 ent server roles on the same physical hardware in deploying CCR? I plan to have a single physical server for the active node and a vmware virtual server for the passive node (i understand that microsoft does not support exch on a virtual environment) 3. Being that I want all roles on the same hardware, do i need to install/configure an edge transport? or will the hub transport be the SMTP gateway? there is an existing barracuda antispam which seems to do the job well and I would like to limit managing more servers and avoid deployment of the edge. 4. Any benefits to using Windows 2008 Ent instead of using Windows 2003 Ent R2? I have to convince my boss that 2008 would be the better route, but you know... I ask this because here: they do not show that I can do that. Thanks, Mark
January 24th, 2009 3:22am

You can deploy CCR in an Exchange Org running E2K3 standard and enterprise. You just cannot in place upgrade the E2K3 servers to E2K7. A CCR node cannot host the CAS and HT. The edge is an optional role, you can use another product and send emails from this server directly to the HT. W2K8 provides SMB version 2 this will speed up log shipping. It also provides auto tuning of the TCP stack, and you can easily manageW2K8 with PowerShell. I would not deploy a new server on W2K3 and would prefer W2K8.
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January 24th, 2009 10:25am

J-H,Thank you for the quick response.Can I deploy E2K7 in a single server environment and in the future deploy CCR? I understand that if CCR is deployed I would have host CAS & HT on another server together or 2 separate servers (1 for CAS, 1 for HT)My thoughts if management approves and if our connection can handle it, is to deploy the following:We have 2 buildings (not too far apart) we communicate over a fixed wireless (20 Mbit max thruput) using Proxim, 2 separate subnets.Building 1:1 Edge, 1 CAS/HT, 1 MBOX (Passive Node) using CCR, W2K8 Ent (subnet 192.168.200.x)Building 2:Barracuda, 1 Edge, 1 CAS/HT, 1 MBOX (Active Node) using CCR, W2K8 Ent (subnet 192.168.100.x)The 2 current E2K3 total DB is above 100GB now, one is at the max of 75GB, the other is around 50GB. With this in mind, is a single store ideal or can splitting be a better option for the E2K7 with CCR?
January 24th, 2009 5:41pm

Supplement: With the release of Microsoft Windows Server 2008 with Hyper-V and Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008, a virtualized Exchange 2007 SP1 server is no longer restricted to the realm of the lab; it can be deployed in a production environment and receive full support from Microsoft --------------<Should You Virtualize Your Exchange 2007 SP1 Environment?> If you want to change the environment from single server to CCR, what you need to do is, create CCR in the existing environment, and move all data from old server to CCR, then dismiss the old server Yes, you can deploy CCR nodes in the different subnets, but please make sure that they stay in the same site All nodes in an SCC or CCR environment must be in the same Active Directory site. Although Windows Server 2008 failover clusters introduce support for cluster nodes to be members of different Active Directory sites, this configuration is not supported by Exchange 2007 ---------<New High Availability Features in Exchange 2007 SP1> As for question about store size, please refer to the suggestions below: no more than 200GB when continuous replication is in use. This is by no means a hard limit, but a recommendation based on the impact database size has to recovery times. If you want to follow Microsoft's recommendation, then select Yes. Otherwise, select No ---------<Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator>
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January 27th, 2009 5:46am

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