Exchange 2003 System Management tools .
I have a Windows 2003 x64 AD server that I want to install the Exchange System Management tools on so that we can create mailboxes at the same time that we create a new user in the domain. Here is how things are setup.
Windows 2003 x64 , Active Directory
Windows 200332bit , Exchange 2003 .
Is it even possible to install Exchange System Management tools on the AD server since it's x64 ?
Is there another way I can integrate mailbox creation into AD ?
Thanks in advance,
Systems Engineer
July 16th, 2007 10:28pm
Not possible to install ESM on the DC. No part of Exchange 2003 runs on windows server 2003 x64
You do have the ESM on the exchange server and you can install it on a XPworkstation.
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July 16th, 2007 11:55pm
Thank you for the response.
Is there any other way to integrate mailbox creation into AD when a new user account is created? This is the reason I wanted to install ESM,.
Systems Engineer
July 17th, 2007 12:16am
If you create the users on the exchange server you can perform everything there without the need to install everything on a workstation. Try to start the active directory users and computers mmc on the exchange server - located in the exchange server program folder.
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July 17th, 2007 12:40am
or you can install adminpak and ESM on XP, and launch(run as) MMC console and use it on your PC
July 17th, 2007 8:10am
OK thanks for the help . I ended up installing the management tools on the citrix server which is where the ad snap in is being launched so the service desk can add the new users. This is done so we can limit access to the server and only have them see the users and computers snapin.
Thanks again.
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July 18th, 2007 11:51pm