Exchange 2003 error mounting datastore
My goal is to mount MS Exchange datastore. I restored backup of that datastore to the virtual MS Exchange server (copy of the one in production, the only difference is the server name) to the same group. I cannot mount it. I am trying to
use the eseutil to bring it to life. I ran:
E:\Program Files\Exchangesrvr\bin\eseutil.exe /mh "o:\2010_regular|Regular MailboxStoe.edb"
it gave me state: Dirty shutdown.
I am trying to run the same command with \d, gives me:
Operation terminated with error -550(JET_errDatabaseDirtyShutdown, Database was not shgutdown cleanly. Recovery must first be run to properly complete datbase operations for the previous shutdown.)
Do I need to run eseutil /r or /p? Could you clarify what is the correct approch to this procedure? What is the correct syntax?
Thank you,
June 14th, 2011 8:42pm
1. If you restored the databse, did you not have any logs restored too, did you not specify a temp location for the logs, you should replay the logs using eseutil /CC
2. Or do you remeber selecting the last restore check box in your back program.
3. If you cant do the above then you can use the eseutil /p switch
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June 14th, 2011 9:35pm
1. Firstly, try soft repair (eseutil /r).
2. Run eseutil.exe /mh check again.
3. If Softrepair doens't work try hard repair(eseutil /p)
4. defragmentation of db:(eseutil /d)
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June 16th, 2011 9:29am
I have problem running eseutil /r. I restored database from the tape to alternative location. These are results of the eseutil /r:
E:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin>eseutil /r e02 /l "K:\EXCHSRVR\Exchange Server\Thi
rd Storage Group\Regular Mailbox Store\Logs" /i /d "K:\EXCHSRVR\Exchange Server\
Regular Mailbox Store\Third Storage Group"
Microsoft(R) Exchange Server Database Utilities
Version 6.5
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Initiating RECOVERY mode...
Logfile base name: e02
Log files: K:\EXCHSRVR\Exchange Server\Third Storage Group\Regular M
ailbox Store\Logs
System files: <current directory>
Database Directory: K:\EXCHSRVR\Exchange Server\Regular Mailbox Store\Third S
torage Group
Performing soft recovery...
Operation terminated with error -1023 (JET_errInvalidPath, Invalid file path) af
ter 1.16 seconds.
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June 16th, 2011 10:51pm
It looks like the path of the log file you specified is incorrect.
make sure your log file directory is correctPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
June 17th, 2011 4:58am