Exchange 2003 on SBS occasionally bounces Gmail
I've been having a problem with Ex2003 bouncing messages from some domains, but only occasionally. The email will eventually go through on one of Gmail's later attempts. Again, this happens with another domain as well, but here is what I'm getting back in Gmail: Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed: Message will be retried for 2 more day(s) Technical details of temporary failure: The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at [ . (1): Destination address required] ----- Message header follows ----- MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with SMTP id a17mr72946qcl.107.
1247789324785; Thu, 16 Jul 2009 17:08:44 -0700 (PDT) Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 19:08:44 -0500 Message-ID: < > Subject: Test From: Me < > To: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=00163646d6dc7559d9046edb97dc ----- Message body suppressed -----
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
July 18th, 2009 9:03pm
Hi,Enable SMTP logging on the exchange server and see if gmail tries to connect when the problem occurs.Leif
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July 19th, 2009 1:22pm
I don't see it trying to connect. I wonder if this is a problem with the router in front of the server; it's an older D-Link with 25 forwarded to the server. Just doesn't make sense that mail from so many other domains isn't a problem. In fact, I can reliably send mail from Cox and Yahoo and receive it very reliably within a few seconds. I have RDNS configured with the ISP, MX records point to, server name is just (it's SBS2003).
July 19th, 2009 8:56pm
The NDR shows your server did not accept the requests to connect, and you said there was even no "trying to connect" SMTP log. I suggest you check if there is any third party software/antispam block the request. At the same time, check your SMTP virtual server, see if the source IP is blocked.
If the issue persists, I think it's a network issue more than Exchange. In order to narrow down the issue, first we need to determine if the request is received and forwarded by the router normally.
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July 21st, 2009 10:32am