Exchange 2003 problems with Schema extention
Here is the environment
Windows 2003 R2 x86 SP2
This server is the GC and only server for the forest
AD was extended by doing forest and domain prep for exchange 2007. The exchange 2007 box fell over and was rebuild as a x86 box. As such I am trying to get exchange 2003 installed (this is also what the client is licensed for rather than 2007)
When I install Exchange 2003 I get a 0x80072030 error whilst at the messaging and collaborative installation.
I ran forestprep and it will not complete. It cancels with an error of "A problem has been encountered in the Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation Setup component. Cancelling setup."
Any ideas or assistance would be greatly apreciated
I was in a bit of a rush before. Here is the full history
NT4 domain, 1 domain and 1 domain controller.
A VM NT4 box was create and upgraded to Win2k3.The replacement physical server was then build and added to the domain, dcpromo'd the FSMO roles changed over to the physical server. This wasa x64 Windows 2003R2 server. AD schema was then extended by exchange 2007. This boxhas now been rebuilt as a x86 server which needs to be running Exchange 2003.
When Exchange 2003 forest prep was attempted the above errors were recieved.
Exchange setup log follows
[13:21:18] Looking for domain proxy container[13:21:18] Domain proxy container found -- checking DomainPrep version[13:21:18] Installed DomainPrep version is 10628; current version is 6936[13:21:18] This domain is not DomainPrepped[13:21:18] Leaving ScIsDomainPrepped[13:21:18] Entering ScIsDomainPrepped[13:21:18] Checking whether the domain "/dc=local/dc=maughanthiem" is DomainPrepped[13:21:18] Looking for server groups[13:21:18] Entering ScGetExchangeServerGroups[13:21:18] Getting DOB for group 0[13:21:18] ScGetExchangeServerGroups (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:353) Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the server.[13:21:18] Leaving ScGetExchangeServerGroups[13:21:18] Server groups not found
October 20th, 2007 8:19am
You probably did not run setup /domainprep
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October 20th, 2007 1:46pm
setup /domainprep was run and completed successfully
I will try it again though.
October 20th, 2007 2:48pm
Adding a Microsoft Exchange 2003 Server to a Domain / Forestwith an existing (or that isprepared for Exchange Server 2007) is not supported.
Did you successfully remove the Exchange 2007 organization from the AD?
To Check this:
1. Install Support Tools from Windows 2003 CD 1
2. Run ADSIEDIT.MSC mmc snap-in
3. Navigate to the following:
Configuration (Domain) \ Cn=Configuration,DC=xxxxxxx,DC=com \ CN=Services\CN=Microsoft Exchange
4. Deleted the 'CN=Microsoft Exchange' container
Allow 10 - 15 mins for replication to complete, then run ForestPrep & DomainPrep once again. (Should be just like setting up a new organization)
After the first unsuccessful Exchange 2003 Installation, you need to clean up the registry on the server for any subsequent installation to complete successfully. KB833396will help you with the cleanup.
I am sure that if you have followed the above, your installation will complete without any complications / problems.
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October 21st, 2007 8:53am
I could kiss you!!!
That fixed it and exchange it now up and running!
Thank you sooooo much
October 22nd, 2007 7:55am
Okay. So what if you install an Exchange 2007 box and it works fine but you also want to add an Exchange 2003 server to the domain and still get that error?
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January 16th, 2008 11:04pm
I do not believe it is possible to add Exchange 2003 Servers to a Native Exchange 2007 Organization.
That is, if you have a requirement for Exchange 2003 as well as 2007 then you HAVE to install 2003 first then Upgrade your organization to 2007 for the co-existance to work.
I have never tried adding 2003 Servers to an environment AFTER upgrading the Organization to a 2007 one, this could be possible since it is still operating as a "mixed organization", but it is also 100% possible that you will no longer be able to add 2003 servers after upgrading the org to 2007.
January 17th, 2008 12:34pm
Hi,I've done all this steps and still no sucess on this.I've installed exchange 2007 trial, after it something went wrong i don't remember why.I removed the exchange directory's under c:\program files.After it removed some references to exchange with adsiedit.msc, and when i go to install exchange 2003, i have the error:"a problem has been encountered in the microsoft exchange forest preparation component. cancelling setup."what to do? i'm desperated
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March 9th, 2008 4:34am