Exchange 2003 public folder
I am using Exchange 2003 STD SP2 running on a W23K R2 machine, recenty I have been using public folder as a respoitory for company documents, however I have one team of 10 people who have a a excel document which they need to keep on the PF tree, 8 of the
users only need to read the file while two users need to open and write to the file.
The feedback I have reecived is that when user A writes to the file and saves it, user B opens the file and cannot see the changes, I have watched the user open the xls file from Public Folder and make a change and save the file and close the file, when
the file is open again the change is not there???
June 15th, 2010 5:51pm
Please check if the person who changed the file is able to see the change after re-open the file
Please check if other persons is able to see the change via OWAJames Luo
TechNet Subscriber Support (
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June 16th, 2010 5:25am
the person who changed the file cannot see the changes on re-open, in regards to OWA I have not setup the OWA virtual directory to view public folders, on another note is there a technet article I can follow to enable public folders ob OWA
June 18th, 2010 11:51am
Users can access public folder via OWA by default, like outlook
Does the issue happen on all public folders that do the same task?
Have the public folder ever worked before?
Please run ExBPA against the exchange server for health and permission checkJames Luo
TechNet Subscriber Support (
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
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June 21st, 2010 4:38am