Exchange 2003 send old mail after reboot server
When I reboot my SBS 2003, Exchange send old mail that has already been send.Does anyone has a solution for this ?
September 14th, 2009 4:57pm
On Mon, 14-Sep-09 13:57:43 GMT, ATS-Europe wrote:>When I reboot my SBS 2003, Exchange send old mail that has already been send.Does anyone has a solution for this ? That's a pretty common problem:;EN-US;950757---Rich MatheisenMCSE+I, Exchange MVP---
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
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September 14th, 2009 9:32pm
Hi,Yes, this is a common issue, please clear the temp table according to the following KB and apply the hotfix KB950757,Elvis
September 15th, 2009 11:13am