Exchange 2003 split permissions
Hi,I am trying to setup permissions for a group to allow them to create mail enabled contacts in a specific OU. I am referencing the following article,EXCHG.65).aspx However I am having trouble finding some of the listed attributes in ADSI Edit e.g. where is autoReplyMessage (ILS Settings) ??Any help or suggestion in setting up this group much appreciatedCelticCeltic
February 26th, 2010 4:01pm

Hi, You can find the AutoReplyMessage(ILS Settings) in the Properties tag of user you want to give the permission to by the way of ADSI. Please ensure you unselect the Show only attributes that have values. By the way some of the attributes you want to modify are not available from the name of OU. I'm looking forward to your reply. Thanks, Richard.
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March 1st, 2010 11:03am

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