Exchange 2007/2003 co-existance
I am wondering when I look under the Exchange 2007 and I see my various legacy items for Exchange 2003. If I use the 2007 and upgrade things like my "address list", "email address policy", "offline address book" (basically items that are part
of the Exchange 2003 server) , will that actually move them from 2003 to 2007 or does it make a copy on the 2007 so that the upgrade does not impact the working 2003 system. I know I do not want to move my mailboxes
until email under 2007 is totally functional but I'm not sure what I can move/upgrade from 2003 to the 2007 and not casue a problem. I was assuming that I would be able to copy these items from 2003 to 2007 and they would remain in both places until
I turn off 2003 but if my options in 2007 are to 'upgrade' these features using the console or cmdlets commands then I think it is actually going to migrate these items. Am I mistaken? Thank you for your time and responses.
June 24th, 2010 8:28pm
Hi MG8616,
These legacy items are organization wide objects, not server side.
If you don't upgrade these items, there will be no broken functionality from the Exchange 2007 side. New users will still be provisioned according to those policies. But you will not be able to edit those objects from 2007 Exchange Management Console until
they are upgraded.
So if you decide to trun off Exchange 2003 server, please upgrade these items.
More information:
Address List and EAP filter upgrades with Exchange Server 2007 Wang
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June 25th, 2010 10:23am