We are currently running Exchange 2007 and have recently installed Exchange 2013. Up until this point we have had no Exchange services published externally via ISA/TMG.
The 2013 server is now installed and we have pointed our internal autodiscover.contoso.com record to the 2013 CAS so far so good. We have also created a legacy.contoso.com internal A record to point to the Exchange 2007 CAS.
Our ultimate goal will be to enable Exchange hybrid /365 and with that in mind we have bought a public certificate with mail.contoso.com and legacy.contoso.com as SAN.
I've also Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory internal and external urls to legacy.contoso.com
My question now is what to do with the new cert that we've installed on the 2013 CAS. Does this also need installing on the 2007 CAS for legacy to work ? If so do I just import-exchangecertificate on the 2007 CAS and if so to what services ?