Exchange 2007
So where do I start, I have unfortanetly brought my exchange07 test server up to play around with it on the domain. Unknowingly it synced up with our exchange 2000 server and still shows up in some of the administrative groups. This was a VM box so I just whiped the virtual machine and now I have a feeling I am stuck. so I guess i'm asking Is there a way to go about removing the exchange server07 from ad/exchange 2000. I only worry about this when do go live that this will effect our enviroment tremendously. Any other information that you may need to help me would be greatly appreciated.Hope this isn't confusing
November 14th, 2007 11:57am
Once you've extended the Schema in AD, you can't unextend it. The cleanest way to remove exchagne 07 would be to rebuild the VM with the same server name, run setup.exe /m:recoverserver , then do a clean uninstall of exchange before blowing away the VM.
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November 14th, 2007 6:52pm