Exchange 2007: e-mail policy
Hi all,
We migrated from Exchange 2000 to Exchange 2007 recently.
Now, i'm trying to create some external contacts in an address list. Only problems, apparently some legacy policy got migrated too and now whenever i create an external contact , it adds an e-mailalias for the external contact with a domain that is one of our own, and that's really not what we want (external users getting e-mailadresses on our domain).
1. Why is this happening? Problem is i regularly need to create/refresh a few thousand contacts with a script and don't want to remove the default poicy afterwards for each address.
2. If I remove the legacy e-mail policies, will this erase the e-mailaliases of existing mailboxes, that were created based on the default policy?
Thanks for any help.
November 15th, 2007 10:16pm