Exchange 2007: huge file repeatedly rejected
One of my users sent a 997MB attachment (yes, I know...) and it takes 12 minutes for it to build up in the Queue Logs directory before sending. It then gets rejected by the receiving server (obviously!) and we get incoming/outgoing mail for 20-30 minutes, and then it starts the 12 minute thing again, and no mail is processed while that happens.Is there any way to get rid of this message, or will it eventually time out?
February 24th, 2010 6:32pm
It will evetually time out, but it will take about 4 days. You should be able to delete it from the queue.
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February 24th, 2010 6:38pm
I tried that, but when I try to delete it from the submission queue, I get this:--------------------------------------------------------Microsoft Exchange Error--------------------------------------------------------Action 'Remove (with NDR)' could not be performed on object ''.
FailedError:The requested operation can't be performed for the object with identity mail\Submission\1314.
Does that mean I have to wait until it times out, or is there another way to delete it?
February 24th, 2010 6:56pm
Try suspending the queue, and then deleting it.
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February 24th, 2010 7:02pm
I suspended the submission queue and then tried deleting the message but I got the same error.Should I be using the submission queue for this, or should I suspend the SmartHostConnectorDelivery queue that the message uses?
February 24th, 2010 8:03pm
Hi,Please stop the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, then locate c:\Program Files\Microsfot\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\data, rename Queue folder to oldqueue, then start Microsoft Exchange Transport service, the new Queue folder will be created.After that, please check this issue.ThanksAllen
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February 25th, 2010 10:17am
Allen,I waited until the mail expired.Thanks all,Rory.
March 5th, 2010 12:01pm