Exchange 2007 - GenerateCopyOfDSNFor
How do I receive NDR's for messages that bounce back with "#550 Service Unavailable" ? This is the error that we've received after being blacklisted by a frontbridge server.
It's required to enter it in the format of x.y.z, but would 5.5.0 work? I would assume not since that doesn't match what's in the headers.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
August 7th, 2008 12:26am
Do you have logging turned on for your Send connector? Although it would be a lot of information to sift through, that would include the above information. I don't know of anyway that you could easily get a copy of all of the NDR messages that are kicked back to your system.
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August 8th, 2008 1:06am
As my understanding, you want to copy NDR with content "#550 Service Unavailable" to a mailbox for managing purpose, is that true?
We can create a new transport rule to filter emails which subject or email body content contains #550 Service Unavailable and then select add a recipient in the To field addresses.
More information share with you:
Add delivery status notification (DSN) codes on the GenerateCopyOfDSNFor property
Managing the Microsoft Exchange Recipient
How to Create a New Transport Rule
Hope it helps.
August 8th, 2008 12:07pm
Use the command Set-OrganizationConfig -MicrosoftExchangeRecipientReplyRecipient ""
After that, when you go to Organization configuration, Transport Hub, Global Setting, Property of "Transport settings". In the second tab Message delivery, bottom of the screen, you see all the code that you want to log.
Sorry if the translation is not correct, my Exchange server is in French.
After that, if the code 5.5.0 is in the list of code that you trap, you will receive an email in the mailbox that you set.
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July 27th, 2010 6:54pm