Exchange 2007 - Meeting Request Issue
Hi all,
I'm experiencing a problem with Exchange 2007 :
When i try to request a meeting , for example , from MONDAY to WEDNESDAY, ALL DAY , the other participants will get an invitation saying MONDAY TO THURSDAY.
Same problem if i schedule the meeting from the web gui.
It seems to add 1 day to the original request , what am i missing ?
I'm running Exchange 2007 - Update Rollup 5 - Win2003 SP1
Any help will be appreciated
Thank you.
November 23rd, 2007 4:16pm
is everyone in the same timezone? everyone set to the right time? right date? DST patch applied to all?
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November 26th, 2007 7:29am
>is everyone in the same timezone?
>everyone set to the right time?
Yes, they are all synchronized by active directory.
>right date?
>DST patch applied to all?
Correct me if i'm wrong , the DST patch has been released in the beginning of 2007 .
We switched to exchange 2007 2 months ago and all computers went though a full microsoft update ,
office included so i assume the patch has been installed everywhere (or at least included into the last rollup).
Anything else i can check ?
Thank you.
November 26th, 2007 11:12am
E2k7 is DST ready, I was referring to the client-side patch.
I'm not sure its even time related, but one last option is in Outlook's calendar options. referring to how it updates appointments in different time zones.
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November 26th, 2007 5:59pm