Exchange 2007 - Recipient Limits - POP3
Hi All We have Restricted Maximum Recipient limits to 30 for all DataBasesvery long back by using cmdlet through EMS, but when we create new user accounts its not going to be applied that setting , again we have to set manually and sometimes we are forgetting & POP3 needs to be disabled automatically Is there any cmdlet, transport rule or e-mail policy which can automatically apply that setting (Maximum recipient to 30 & POP3 should be Disabled simultaneously) for all new users as well as for all existing users. I mean the policy should beapplied forever. Appreciated your help. Thanks in Advanced.Regards,Amjad Amjad
May 18th, 2009 8:16pm

Hello, You can configure this restriction at the mailbox level, organization level, connector level (only for Receive connectors), and Hub Transport server level. Generally, it is a best practice to configure this setting at a higher level and use the mailbox-level configuration only for exceptions.To restrict the number of recipients per message to 1,000 for your Exchangeorganization, run the following command:Set-TransportConfig -MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit 1000 To restrict the number of recipients per message to 300 for messages received through the Receive connector named Contoso Receive Connector, run the following command:Set-ReceiveConnector -Identity "Contoso Receive Connector" -MaxRecipientsPerMessage 300To restrict the number of recipients per message to 200 for messages that are processed by the Hub Transport server named Server01, run the following command:Set-TransportServer -Identity "Server01" -PickupDirectoryMaxRecipientsPerMessage 200To use the Exchange Management Console to restrict the number of recipients per message for a mailbox Start the Exchange Management Console. In the console tree, expand Recipient Configuration. In the result pane, select the mailbox for which you want to restrict the number of recipients per message. In the action pane, under the mailbox name, click Properties. In <Mailbox> Properties, click the Mail Flow Settings tab. Select Delivery Options from the list of mail flow settings, and then click Properties. In Delivery Options, select the Maximum recipients check box, and then type 100 in the corresponding text box. Click OK to return to the Mail Flow Settings tab. 9. Click OK.To restrict the number of recipients per message to 100 for the mailbox user John Smith, run the following command:Set-Mailbox -Identity "John Smith" -RecipientLimits 100Source:How to Restrict the Number of Recipients per Message Kumar | MCSE - 2K3 + Messaging | ITIL-F V3
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May 18th, 2009 9:16pm

Hi Arun,Firstly I would like to say , Thanks a lot.1) We have around 3,000 User Mailboxes , but Bord of Directorsset to Recipient Limits : 500, Managers set to Recipient Limits : 200have exception for them. Restof the executives set toRecipient Limits : 30.2) How to Block / Disabled POP3 for all New Users which we are creating at this moment.For detailedinfromation kindly go through my first Request.Can you please suggest me for these twoscenarios.Thanks Again.Amjad
May 18th, 2009 11:42pm

Hi Arun,Thanks a lot again.The link is helpful for me.Regards, Amjad
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May 19th, 2009 10:48am

Hi,To disable POP3 for the existing mailbox users, we can use the following command: Get-CASMailbox | Set-CASMailbox -PopEnabled $FalseHowever, the above command could not be applied for the new mailbox that is created automatically. If you feel like disabling the POP3 while the mailbox is created, we need to run a script. But you need to create the mail box through script and need to run the script each time the new mailbox is created.The reason behind this is, the pop3, IMAP, Mapi, Owa and ActiveSync etc are attributes of the mailboxes. So when we simply say, the attributes cant be disabled before the mailbox is created.A sample script is as given below, which needs to be saved as .ps1 file and run through Exchange Management Shell. $first = Read-Host "Enter the Users First Name:"$last = Read-Host "Enter the Users Last Name:"$full = $first + " " + $last$UPN = Read-Host "Enter the SMTP Address:"$alias = $UPN.split("@")[0]$displayname = "$full"$password = Read-Host "Enter password:" -AsSecureStringNew-mailbox -UserPrincipalName $UPN -alias $alias -database "First Storage Group\Mailbox Database" -Name $full -OrganizationalUnit Users -password $password -FirstName $first -LastName $last -DisplayName $displayname -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $trueSet-CASMailbox -identity $UPN -POPEnabled:$falseThanksAllen
May 21st, 2009 6:48am

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