Exchange 2007 .log files
Hi Guys'n'Gals
I've noticed that my exchange server's \mailbox folder is ~45GB, but I am also aware that we have only have an absolute maximum of ~1GB of mail being stored. The server is a single-does everything deployment.
On investigation,I have noticed that there is both a "\First Storage Group" and a "\LocalCopies" folder, each of which contains 18GB of .log files.
Do these log files need to remain there or can they be periodically cleared down?
Many thanks in advance...
October 26th, 2008 3:34pm
Hi David,
What is the size of *.edf file in your /mailbox folder and how many mailbox store do you have on Exchange server? As you told that you have ~1 GB of maximum storage, do you mean that individual users have 1GB of mailbox size limit? It would be better if you provide more information aboutserver.
About log file, it is always suggested that NOT to delete logs manually. Normally when you perform Full Exchange backup, logs will be purged after completion of backup since transaction logs are required while restoring backups so it should be included while taking backup and Exchange aware backup software will automatically delete those after completion of only Full Exchange Backup.
So suggest you to schedule a full backup at least once in a week to purge the logs file.
Database Backup and Restore
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October 26th, 2008 5:15pm
Thanks Amit
I couldn't see an .edf file, but the .edb file was ~750MB.
For some reason, it appears that the backup wasn't clearing down the .log files; I've now corrected this and it's cleared down beautifully.
Many thanks
October 26th, 2008 6:01pm
Ooops, a typo, yes it should be .edb file. That is the main database file of Exchange server.
My pleasure...
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October 26th, 2008 6:10pm
The transaction log files should be committed against the database when it does its "online maintenance" as well as when full backups are done on the database.
September 13th, 2010 9:12pm
Online maintenance doesn't remove any log files, although logs are regularly being "committed" to the database as part of the server's normal operation (not related to maintenance.) Also this thread is almost 2 years old and resolved :)
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September 13th, 2010 9:21pm
The transaction log files should be committed against the database when it does its "online maintenance" as well as when full backups are done on the database.
September 14th, 2010 12:12am
The transaction log files should be committed against the database when it does its "online maintenance" as well as when full backups are done on the database.
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September 14th, 2010 12:12am
The transaction log files should be committed against the database when it does its "online maintenance" as well as when full backups are done on the database.
September 14th, 2010 12:12am
According to Microsoft's Technet Library, it commits the logs under those two instances.
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September 14th, 2010 6:24pm
According to Microsoft's Technet Library, it commits the logs under those two instances.
September 14th, 2010 6:24pm
According to Microsoft's Technet Library, it commits the logs under those two instances.
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September 14th, 2010 6:24pm they are also comitted whenever the server has time to do so. You can set a performance counter
on the ESE checkpoint depth to see.
September 14th, 2010 8:53pm