Exchange 2007 32 bit
I've got a test/development system which is using Exchange 2007 32bit as non of the machines support VT so x64 is out of the question.
The only version of Exchange 2007 32bit that I could find is a 3 month trial version. I don't want to keep rebuilding the exchange server every 3 months. Where can I get a version that doesn't expire? or how to I get my version the continue passed 3 months?
August 15th, 2008 6:14pm
Even after120 days you will continue to be prompted, but it will not expire and you can use it.
Refer: Exchange Server 2007: Platforms, Editions, and Versions---"No loss of functionality will occur when the Trial Edition expires, so you can maintain lab, demo, training, and other non-production environments beyond 120 days without having to reinstall the Trial Edition of Exchange2007. "
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August 15th, 2008 6:51pm
Keep in mind, VT is not a requirement for Exchange. VT is a requirement for Hyper-V.
August 16th, 2008 8:54pm
I am not able to add an additional language pack to my 32 bit Exchange 2007 Unified messaging server (not SP1)
The version has expired.
It comes up with the message that Unified messaging is not installed on the server, which it clearly is and fully operational.
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August 21st, 2008 6:47pm