Exchange 2007 Address Policies
I have recently installed exchange 2007 and it is coexisting in our 2003 environment. The server imported the legacy email address policies from 2003 on install and they show in the EMC as not being applied. I want to create all new policies for the 2007 environment. If I delete these policies or adjust them is it going to affect the 2003 users or will it only affect users as they are moved to the 2007 server? Right now all of our users get about 14 email addresses when their account is created and I don't want that to happen on 2007 I will just have all those domains listed as an Accepted Domain.
July 9th, 2009 7:07pm
You need to create email address policy by using recipient filters and filter the users which are just on Exchange 2007 server.
How to Create an E-Mail Address Policy By Using Recipient Filters
Something like below cmdlet...
New-EmailAddressPolicy -Name 'Exchange2007Users' -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates '' -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (ServerName -eq 'Exchange2007ServerName'))}
Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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July 9th, 2009 7:44pm
And yes, you need to upgrade address lists with LDAP filters to OPATH filters while removing Exchange 2003 servers. Refer below article on how to...
Address List and EAP filter upgrades with Exchange Server 2007
Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
July 9th, 2009 7:47pm
Would it be possible to completely remove the legacy policies from the 2007 server and then create the new ones that we actually want to use? If I do remove those will that affect my current 2003 users or will it only affect them when they are moved to 2007?
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July 10th, 2009 5:13pm
Actually removing email address policies doesn't remove the proxy addresses applied those are required to remove manually anyhow (even moving mailboxes to 2007 doesn't remove either) so you can go for removal of policies.However default policy can not be removed and requires to be upgraded as per the link I provided.Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
July 10th, 2009 5:28pm
Thanks for all your help. Just to confirm if I adjust the default policy on 2007 that will not affect the 2003 users? For instance I would like to remove several addresses from this policy but I don't want this to affect any users still on 2003.
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July 10th, 2009 6:13pm
Well, default policy is globaland applies to all users globally(2007 as well as 2003), if you check ldap filter then it says "(mailnickname=*)"so in that case I would suggest you to create a new policy for Exchange 2007 users as mentioned with recipient filters.But again, as I told, if you are going to just remove the proxy address from default policy (or any other policy), that doesn't remove smtp addresses from any users anyhow and requires to remove manually if you want... :)
Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
July 10th, 2009 6:23pm
Thanks again for all your help.
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July 10th, 2009 6:49pm
I've tried running the commands to update the current default policy but I keep getting this error. Set-EmailAddressPolicy : The recipient policy "Default Policy" with mailbox man ager settings cannot be managed by the current version of Exchange Management C onsole. Please use a management console with the same version as the object. At line:1 char:23 + Set-EmailAddressPolicy <<<< "Default Policy" -forceupgrade -IncludedRecipien ts AllRecipients I've ran it with the forceupgrade and without. I've checked my 2003 server and there are no mailbox manager policies applied, all of the boxes are unchecked for the default policy. Any suggestions??
July 22nd, 2009 2:23am