Exchange 2007 Adminitrators list
As per requirement i need to generate all the users who have exchange server permissions.
I have executed get-exchangeadminstrators | ft
It has returned me a list of groups.
Need to generate a detailed report with all the user information (including nested groups) and level of access in Exchange.
Do you have any script for getting the details or can u help me with any article or customized script for the same.
Ahmed Ali
August 16th, 2012 4:10am
Wrote a script using QAD cmdlets. You will have to install Power Quest Addin for this and add the PSSnapin (Add-PSSnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement).
$AdminDetails = @()
$Admins = Get-ExchangeAdministrator
foreach($Admin in $Admins){
$Details = Get-QADObject $Admin
if($Details.type -eq "Group"){
$Members = Get-QADGroupMember $Details.Name -Indirect
foreach($Member in $Members){
$AdminObject = New-Object System.Object
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Name -Value $Member.Name -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Type -Value $Member.Type -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Role -Value $Admin.Role -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Scope -Value $Admin.Scope -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminDetails += $AdminObject
$AdminObject = New-Object System.Object
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Name -Value $Details.Name -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Type -Value $Details.Type -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Role -Value $Admin.Role -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Scope -Value $Admin.Scope -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminDetails += $AdminObject
$AdminDetails | Export-Csv -Path "filepath" -NoTypeInformation
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 16th, 2012 7:44am
Wrote a script using QAD cmdlets. You will have to install Power Quest Addin for this and add the PSSnapin (Add-PSSnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement).
$AdminDetails = @()
$Admins = Get-ExchangeAdministrator
foreach($Admin in $Admins){
$Details = Get-QADObject $Admin
if($Details.type -eq "Group"){
$Members = Get-QADGroupMember $Details.Name -Indirect
foreach($Member in $Members){
$AdminObject = New-Object System.Object
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Name -Value $Member.Name -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Type -Value $Member.Type -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Role -Value $Admin.Role -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Scope -Value $Admin.Scope -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminDetails += $AdminObject
$AdminObject = New-Object System.Object
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Name -Value $Details.Name -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Type -Value $Details.Type -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Role -Value $Admin.Role -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminObject | Add-Member -Name Scope -Value $Admin.Scope -MemberType NoteProperty
$AdminDetails += $AdminObject
$AdminDetails | Export-Csv -Path "filepath" -NoTypeInformation
August 16th, 2012 7:49am
Hi Rajita,
As get-ExchangeAdmin is an Exchange cmdlet.
Getting error as the cmdlet has not identified. Please let me know whether we need to add any snappin.Ahmed Ali
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 16th, 2012 9:58pm
This is an Exchange cmdlet. As i saw your initial post saying that you ran Get-ExchangeAdministrators and received an output, i suggested you with that.
Are you not running this on an Exchange Management Shell?
August 17th, 2012 2:07am
Hi Rajita,
I ran this on quest active roles server, I will check if i can install quest admin tool & add the ad pssnapin.
Once done will run and post u.
Ahmed.Ahmed Ali
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 17th, 2012 6:19am