Exchange 2007 Bandwidth Planning
I am looking for a document on bandwidth requirement for Exchange 2007 implementation. I want some information wherein, we can see some Thumb rules or any parameters for defining bandwidth requirement by keeping few things in mind e.g. 100 users accessing mail server remotely using OWA and Outlook Anywhere (Secure and non secure), Mobile Devices accessing mails remotely, 10-20 mails sent by that user to other internal staff or outside world etc.
And bandwidth requirement between 2 or more sites for E-mail access (100 or 500users in Hub site and 200-300 users in remote site). How much bandwidth is required for Hub Site and how much should be in remote site?
There are many documents for Hardware Capacity planning on the net but I couldnt found anything for Bandwidth planning also.
July 3rd, 2007 2:53pm