Exchange 2007 CAS role reinstallation fails
Dear Exchange professionals,I cannot reinstall CAS role. it says:Reboot from previous installation is pending. Please restart system and rerun setup.I have rebooted.I don't understand setup logs. Cannot find what is pending. Uninstallation went fine. Reboot went fine.Regards,Tero Rajaniemi# Default Uninstall steps for ClientAccessRole.# Programmatically generated on 19.12.2008 1:27:18.## Variable Declarations#$RoleIsClusterNode = $False$RoleRoles = "BridgeheadRole,ClientAccessRole,MailboxRole,AdminToolsRole"$RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = $True$RoleNetBIOSName = "GOLLAVM002"$RoleInvocationID = "20081219-0127180262"$RoleInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\"$RoleLoggedOnUser = "GOLLA\administrator"$RoleInstallationMode = "Uninstall"$RolePreviousVersion = ""$RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled = $True$RoleBinPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin"$RoleSetupLoggingPath = "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs"$RoleFqdnOrName = "gollavm002.Golla.local"$RoleTargetVersion = "8.1.336.1"$RoleIsClientAccessRoleInstalled = $True$RoleRoleName = "ClientAccessRole"$RoleDomainController = "gollavm001.Golla.local"$RoleProductPlatform = "amd64"$RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True$RoleLoggingPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging"## Component tasks## Tasks for 'All Roles Common Last' component# [ID = 2a1d41fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Stopping the OnePoint service"get-service | where { $_.Name -ieq "OnePoint" } | stop-service -Force:$true# [ID = f393bffe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Stopping the Microsoft Operations Management service"get-service | where { $_.Name -ieq "MOM" } | stop-service -Force:$true# [ID = d9f118fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Stopping the Health service"get-service | where { $_.Name -ieq "HealthService" } | stop-service -Force:$true# [ID = f321dc2e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Creating the Exchange server configuration in the Active Directory"remove-InstalledRoleInfo -RoleName $RoleRoleName# Tasks for 'File distribution Service Control' component# [ID = 71b44e7e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Stopping file distribution service."stop-SetupService -ServiceName MSExchangeFDS# Tasks for 'Client Access Service Control' component# Tasks for 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' component# Tasks for 'File Distribution Service Configuration' component# [ID = 77615be9, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Uninstalling file distribution service."uninstall-FileDistributionService# Tasks for 'File Distribution Service OAB Perf Counters' component# [ID = 25124c9a, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Configuring performance counters for file distribution service."remove-perfcounters -DefinitionFileName FDSOABPerformanceCounters.xml# Tasks for 'POP/IMAP Configuration' component# [ID = b9fe38ad, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "The POP3 service is being stopped."stop-SetupService -ServiceName MSExchangePOP3# [ID = 90db765, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "The POP3 service is being uninstalled."uninstall-Pop3Service# [ID = 8e5f0558, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Stopping the IMAP4 service."stop-SetupService -ServiceName MSExchangeIMAP4# [ID = cb9f8a27, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "The IMAP4 service is being uninstalled."uninstall-Imap4Service# Tasks for 'Client Access Services Configuration' component# [ID = 820829da, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring virtual directories and web services."get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | remove-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController;# [ID = f29bfafe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring virtual directories and web services."get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | remove-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController# [ID = 98d715e0, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring virtual directories and web services."get-UMVirtualDirectory -Server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | remove-UMVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController# [ID = eb724d89, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring virtual directories and web services."$clientAccessServer = get-ClientAccessServer -Identity $RoleFqdnOrName; if($clientAccessServer) { if(($clientAccessServer.AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri) -and ($clientAccessServer.AutoDiscoverSiteScope)) { set-ClientAccessServer -Identity $RoleFqdnOrName -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri:$null -AutoDiscoverSiteScope:$null } }# [ID = 4d82dae3, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring virtual directories and web services."get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | remove-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController# Tasks for 'OWA Configuration' component# [ID = 8aeef887, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Outlook Web Access for Client Access role."Get-OabVirtualDirectory -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController| Remove-OabVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController# [ID = e973a6c8, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Outlook Web Access for Client Access role."get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {($_.OwaVersion -eq "Exchange2003or2000") -and ($_.VirtualDirectoryType -eq "Exchweb") } | Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController;# [ID = 41f67c97, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Outlook Web Access for Client Access role."if ( ! $RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled) { get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {($_.OwaVersion -eq "Exchange2003or2000") -and ($_.VirtualDirectoryType -eq "PublicFolders") } | Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }# [ID = f60bd787, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Outlook Web Access for Client Access role."if ( ! $RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled) { get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {($_.OwaVersion -eq "Exchange2003or2000") -and ($_.VirtualDirectoryType -eq "Mailboxes") } | Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }# [ID = 377094e5, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Outlook Web Access for Client Access role."get-OwaVirtualDirectory -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.OwaVersion -eq "Exchange2007"} | remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -DomainController $RoleDomainController;# Tasks for 'Client Access Configuration' component# [ID = 5f46e6a5, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Uninstalling transcoding service."Uninstall-TranscodingServiceEx# [ID = b834fd64, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Client Access role."set-ExchangeServerRole -Identity $RoleFqdnOrName -IsClientAccessServer:$false -DomainController $RoleDomainController# [ID = 4e6addfb, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Configuring Client Access role."uninstall-ClientAccessIisWebServiceExtensions# Tasks for 'Client Access Perf Counters' component# [ID = 81a0f980, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AutodiscoverPerformanceCounters.xml# [ID = 3cada182, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName UMClientAccessCounters.xml# [ID = fcc61840, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName WsPerformanceCounters.xml# [ID = d7c565e8, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName Pop3Counters.xml# [ID = 11690d92, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName Imap4Counters.xml# [ID = bd6086ba, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName AirSyncCounters.xml# [ID = 1a9c6652, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName InfoworkerAvailabilityPerformanceCounters.xml# [ID = 57a83038, Wt = 1, isFatal = False] "Performance counters for the Client Access server role are being configured."remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName OwaInstallSingleCounters.xml# Tasks for 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' component# Tasks for 'All Roles Common First' component# [ID = f993ba08, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Creating the Exchange server configuration in the Active Directory"$mofFilePath = ($RoleInstallPath + "bin\ExchangeUninstall.MOF"); compile-moffile -MofFilePath:$mofFilePath;# [ID = f715117e, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Starting the OnePoint service"get-service | where { $_.Name -ieq "OnePoint" } | start-service# [ID = 9d5287fe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Starting the Microsoft Operations Management service"get-service | where { $_.Name -ieq "MOM" } | start-service# [ID = 34fe5efe, Wt = 1, isFatal = True] "Starting the Health service"get-service | where { $_.Name -ieq "HealthService" } | start-service# [ID = 322092a8, Wt = 5, isFatal = True] "Stopping the Remote Registry service"Stop-SetupService -ServiceName RemoteRegistry# [ID = 37fffa9e, Wt = 5, isFatal = True] "Starting the Remote Registry service"Start-SetupService -ServiceName RemoteRegistry
December 18th, 2008 10:52am
Hi,Please try to launch setup media and select to install CAS again.If it still cannot move on,then please capture the screenshot and send it withsetuplog to Xiu Zhangfor further troubleshooting.Besides,I'd like to know if there's othre Exchange role installed on the same machine. Regards,Xiu
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December 19th, 2008 11:30am
External company fixed it already. I don't know how. But thank You for the response.
January 2nd, 2009 1:27pm