Exchange 2007 Database Growth
Can I expect an Exchange 2007 source database to grow (even if it has over 30GB of whitespace) during a move-mailbox to a different database? If so, how much growth can I expect?
November 11th, 2009 9:50pm
Yes , you can expect growth if you rae moving mail boxes. Reason is large number of log files that will be generated and then getting commited to the exchange databse. Reason for large number of log file generation is growth that you can expect is : In regular server: one user send email to 5 users with 1 files of 1 MB. The database size will be increase in ~1.10-1.20 MB and not 5 MB due the fact the Exchange save only one email copy and link it to 4 peoples. After the migration you breck this links and then the server will use 5 MB.Raj
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November 11th, 2009 10:20pm
Hi,Are you asking if the database you are moving away from will grow during mailbox move?If that is your question - the answer is no. The database won't grow.Leif
November 11th, 2009 10:51pm
Leif, yes, that is exactly my question.I just moved a large mailbox fromsourceDB totargetDB andsourceDB grew abouta gig. Naturally, I expected targetDB to grow. I did not expect sourceDB to grow.Ideas?Ray
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November 11th, 2009 11:49pm
I have submitted a support ticket with Microsoft. I will post what I find here.Ray
November 12th, 2009 1:14am
Leif was right--the source database was not growing. There was another database on the same drive that was the culprit.
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November 12th, 2009 3:16am