Exchange 2007 Distribution Group Approval
I am rolling out a new Exchange Server 2007 install for a customer that is currently on a POP3 system. Right now they have a distribution list that everyone in the company is part of and when someone sends to that DL their IT department gets the email first and has to approve it before it is sent to everyone. Is there a way in Exchange 2007 to replicate this functionality? Thanks, Sean
July 15th, 2009 7:15pm
There isn't any native way in Exchange 2007 (but this feature will be included in Exchange 2010) to set moderation on distribution list mail send but there is a workaround to do so using PF, check below similar thread... Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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July 15th, 2009 8:33pm
What Amit suggested is the correct answer. There is no option in exchange 2007 to set rule to approve emails by the moderators, while sending it to groups which owned all the users list in the company. But you can able to do restriction to send emails to that particular group.Funnyghost
July 16th, 2009 11:11am