Exchange 2007 EMS cmdlet disappeard!!!!
We have been running our Exchange 2007 environment for approximately four months now. While setting up some room resources, we entered in the command:set-mailboxpermission <Room> user <AdminUsername> -accesslevel fullaccessin order to gain access to change permissions for the room, as directed. The shell returns the error:The term 'setmailboxpermission' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or script file. Verify the term and try again.The admin username is an Exchange Org Admin and is also a Domain admin. (proper checks and balances in place).We used this cmdlet before to help set up the other rooms, and know for a fact that it worked. Where did our cmdlet go? Inquiring minds want to know.
December 17th, 2007 11:58pm
hi there.
The correct cmdlet is Add-MailboxPermission. For more information, see
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December 18th, 2007 2:51am
It is also possible that you have launched the PowerShell without the EMS extensions. I have done that a few times. Make sure that you run the EMS shortcut and not just the PowerShell.
December 18th, 2007 3:18am
Thanks a lot.
I also discovered that the correct cmdlet should be:
add-mailboxpermission <Room> user <AdminUser> -accessrights fullaccess
Which then works.
Thanks for your help!!
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December 18th, 2007 5:32pm