Exchange 2007 Export Mailbox Search Keyword
The official documentation for export-mailbox cmdlet states that "If you use any keyword parameters, the Export-Mailbox
cmdlet first exports all the messages, and then searches the target mailbox for messages that meet the keyword criteria"
I have a journal mailbox against which i am supposed to do a keyword search. I am concerned that when i do an export with a search for a keyword, my entire journal mailbox (worth
10GB) may be exported to the target mailbox.
In my testing i have found this statement to be NOT true. I see only the messages which match the search criteria are exported and not all the messages. Not sure
if it is just so fast that i cant track it. But my test export does take a while (5 minutes or so) during which i dont find any messages in the target folder
Question - Has anybody else has experience on this and if you know if i am misreading the export-mailbox cmdlet documentation ?
June 17th, 2010 5:29am
Please try to use export-mailbox with -verbose to check the verbose log.
Besides, please post the cmdlt that you used here.
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June 17th, 2010 6:44am
Not sure what you want me to check in the verbose log? I stated what the help file states but as per the actual command execution that does not seem true.
For example - i ran the following command:
Export-Mailbox -Identity Source -TargetMailbox Target -TargetFolder SEARCH -ContentKeyword "BUDGET"
As per the documentation and help files, this command is supposed to export ALL MESSAGES from the mailbox SOURCE first and then do the actual search on the target mailbox and then delete all mail that was NOT relevant as per the search criteria.
Either the help files have a type or i am reading it wrong OR the comamnd is not doing what is is supposed to do.
Any ways my concerns i this is just a test that i am performing and am hesitant to do the real search on the journal mailbox.
I hope that explains what my concern is and hopefully some body else has already dealt with this kind of request.
June 23rd, 2010 6:32am
If you use -verbose with export-mailbox you can find that the detail steps the cmdlt will do.
There we can find that it will try to open the source mailbox and find all the mesages there and then perform export filter there.
So I think it will not export all the messages and then do the filter from the exported messages.
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June 24th, 2010 6:30am