Exchange 2007 First Storage Group not Mounted
I have Exchange 2007 mail server in cluster mode. We removed the certain transactional logs to offside disk becuase of the storage capacity problem. After removing transactional log also System is working fine. After one days we seems that First Storage
Group is not mounted, we tried to mount manually but not successed.
We create tempory recovery database & users can send & receive mail for temporary propose.
If I restore all the transactional log into new storage & can we try to mount the old database? or please suggest the best way to recover.
October 11th, 2010 5:05am
You can try eseutil /p switch in order to repair the database(first check eseutil /mh it will show which log is required, clean & dirty shutdown), have a look into this article :
Do let us know if more info is required.Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
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October 11th, 2010 5:45am
I think the problem rasied becuase of moving the transactional log. The database & log files is in same direcotry (e:) where mail file is 200GB & log file is 1TB. We do not have space on e: drive. Now we have added the additional storage. So
if we put all transactional log including backed up to e: drive & put database on new additional drive, then does it solve my problem?
October 11th, 2010 6:07am
I don't think that database will mount unless its clean shutdown, try eseutil /mh & check which logs is required & it might resolve, I am not sure that, will it work for sure but you can give it a try or the best way if you have enough
time try running eseutil /p it will repair the database & will replay a log which ever is require.Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
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October 11th, 2010 7:27am
You need to be very much careful to succeed in what you are attempting.
You need to run eseutil /mh and see the log files required and then calculate if you have those log files . If you have a clean shutdown OLD files are not required , If your DB cannot be mounted and if NOT corrupted you can replay the log .( I suspect since
the log files were moved the store was not getting mounted.) Now if you get all log files int he sequence then you may be able to Mount the store.
If you repair the DB , you may lose some data. I would call a microsoft PSS .
October 11th, 2010 1:19pm
Hi Arun,
What's the error events when you try to mount the database?
From Technet:
" When the database is mounted again, Exchange reads the checkpoint file and begins to replay the transaction log that is listed as the checkpoint log. If no checkpoint file exists, replay begins with the oldest log file available in the transaction
log folder for the storage group. "
But "A fundamental assumption of the soft recovery process is that no database or log files have been moved, deleted, or destroyed by the failure or by the administrator after the failure. "
So please run the eseutil /mh to check which logs you should have in the log directory.
Please move the committed logs to the additional storage, then try to mount the database again.
eseutil /p is the last resort.
More information:
Eseutil /R Recovery Mode Wang
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October 12th, 2010 4:37am
Thanks for the information. We have enabled the dial tone recovery so users can send & receive the email temporarily. Once I configured the dial tone recovery My First Storage Group is taken by it how can I again link up my old database file to the First
Storage Group & how can I merge the emails of temporary database to production database.
October 12th, 2010 5:00am
I once had an issue similiar, and when I selected "this database can be overwritten by a restore", the database then mounted.
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October 12th, 2010 8:36am
Hi Arun,
Since you enable the dial tone on the single server, you can follow this Technet document to perform the recovery.
How to Perform a Dial Tone Recovery on an Exchange 2007 Server with a Failed Database Wang
October 13th, 2010 3:15am