Exchange 2007 Global Address Book Display Order
Hello... is there a way to change the order of the names that are displayed when viewing the global address book in Outlook 2007 to 'last name, first name' instead of the reverse default when picking recipients for an email? I know this is possible for the contacts in your Outlook data file through the account settings, but how can (or can it be done at all?) the order be changed for the display of theglobal address book? Thanks already in advance, Marcus.
July 17th, 2007 11:03pm

Hi, Sure, you just have to change display name in AD. This helps some: Leif
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July 18th, 2007 12:55pm

Hi Leif,Does the article you have recommended work retrospectively? ie if you already have users in Exchange 2007, run through that article, will it change the display names of those users already in Exchange? If not does anyone a way of doing this on mass to give the display name <First initial>.<Surname>? Thanks in advance,Mark"Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:55 AMLeif PedersenMVP 0 Sign In to Vote Hi, Sure, you just have to change display name in AD. This helps some: Leif"
August 18th, 2009 2:47pm

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