Exchange 2007 Group Rights
This seems simple but its not working. I have a mail-enabled universal group setup. If I go into a mailbox and assign full access to this mailbox to the group and the go into OWA and try and open up that mailbox as one of the group members I get to the point where OWA wants me to set my preferences but the after I click ok says you dont have access to open this mailbox.
So the question is can a mail enabled universal group (ideally Id rather this just be a security group) open mailboxes or do I have to call each person out one by one?
November 24th, 2008 11:55pm
Issue description: Share a mailbox to a group users on the exchange 2007
How did you actually set permission for the group? According to your description, it seems that you have created a distribution group [DG], not security group [SG], right? Unlike previous versions of exchange, exchange 2007 cannot convert group type from distribution to security, and we cant set permission for a DG. So please create SG for that group:
a. Go to EMC->Recipient Configuration->Distribution Group->New a distribution group, choose the Group Type to Security, add member into it
b. Set Full Access on the mailbox you want
My lab: Exchange server 2007 SP1 + Outlook 2007 SP1
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November 26th, 2008 9:56am