Exchange 2007 Multi-site scenario
Hi all,
My company has many sites and I have deployed Exchange 2007 on these site recently. I have two questions about this multi-site architecture :
Only HQ has the internet connection, thus I use ISA 2006 to publish the HQ Exchange servers
1. When remote users (their mailbox are on the remote site Exchange Mailbox servers) try to connect to the HQ published CAS/HTS to get their mail, they will get errors. It seems that the HQ CAS won't proxy the connection to the remote site CAS/MBS. How can I solve this problem ?
2. If I want the remote users to get mail thru Outlook Anywere. Should I publish every CAS from ISA 2006 ? Since I do the test on HQ CAS (published from ISA 2006), it seems that the HQ CAS won't proxy the request to the remote CAS server.
Any help will be appreciated.
February 22nd, 2007 7:01pm
The CAS server will only proxy requests it recieves if no other CAS has an entry in the "Published URL" field of its properties. Completing this field tells the CAS server that it is published on the internet and as such will cause all other CAS server's to try redirecting the clients to their local CAS and not act as a proxy - check to make sure this field is only populated on the published CAS server and all other CAS Servershave a blank entry.
Outlook anywhere is actually not proxied to the CAS server on the site to which it belongs, but directly to the MBX server. Can users on the local site access their mailboxes through Outlook Anywhere?
In your case, I would guess solving problem number 1 will resolve problem number 2 with no additional troubleshooting required.
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February 24th, 2007 4:57pm
Hi John,
Where can you set the published URL of CAS ? I only find two places on the CAS that can be set : OAB, and OWA.
Outlook Anywhere works fine in my intranet environment.
February 25th, 2007 11:57am
Ok, things and places to check:
On the Published CAS (the one you can access from internet):
1. EMC > Server Configuration > Client Access > Server Properties > Outlook Anywhere > External Host Name
This should have the fully qualified server name as published on the internet, e.g.
2. 1. EMC > Server Configuration > Client Access > Server > OWA Default Website Properties (bottom window in the middle)
Internal URL: internal fqdn of the OWA site -
External (published URL): fqdn of published site -
on all other CAS servers make sure there is no information published on the External URL field of the OWA site properties & disable Outlook Anywhere support for the other CAS servers so you only have one server with Outlook Anywhere enabled.
Outlook Anywhere requests are not procied to the local CAS server in the mailbox site they are proxied directly to hosting MBX server on the appropriate site.
See how this works for you.
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February 26th, 2007 9:15am