Exchange 2007 NDR copies
In Exchange 2003, it was possible to set up a postmaster address on the SMTP virtual server that would recieve copies of NDR's for Exchange recipients on that mailbox server.
With the Exchange 2007 GUI, I cannot see a way to do this. I have read the article here:
And it seems to state that:
i) A postmaster address can be set for internal NDR's, but this will apply to all Hub Transports in the entire orgii) For external NDR's, a postmaster address can be specified per Hub Transport server
I had some questions;
a) Could someone confirm that my understanding is correctb) Is it not possible to set a postmaster address for *Internal* NDR's as well, on a per Hub Transport basis? It seems a bit silly to have the internal NDR's for ALL Hubs going to one address?
October 19th, 2009 1:15pm
Hi,Your understanding is correctly.That could not be changed since the MicrosoftExchangeRecipientReplyRecipient parameter is only available for the Organization Configuration.ThanksAllen
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October 20th, 2009 1:10pm