Exchange 2007 OAB.XML will not generate
I'm at my wits end. I have no GAL. I've removed it, recreated it, updated it, verified that it does in face recreate the folder structure with the correct ID parameter but at the end of the day, the directory is empty. I've followed every
guideline I could find online which had me restarting services etc to ensure the directory was populated but nothing. Nol OAB.XML, no .lzx files jsut an empty folder. This of course winds up generating event errors 9328,9373 and 9369 all of which
fall into the "well duh" category and basically creates the "the error is because the file is missing and check the log to see why the file is missing" loop. This may or may not have been related to us removing the old Exchange 2000 front end server
and making the 2007 server stand-alone but I believe it was happening before that. I'm not entirely sure what to do next. Any advice would be appreciated.
June 8th, 2012 12:19pm