Exchange 2007 OAB Failing to Generate
The environment is Exchange2007CCR with AD 2003. I have two GC's in this site. I just noticed that the OAB hasn't been generating ever since an outage that we had where it would've lost communication with the GC's. Both GC's are back up, but it hasn't found them? Is there a way to force a rediscover? The warning seen is: NSPI Proxy failed to connect to Global Catalog over transport Rpc/HTTP. This server is down or unreachable. Clients will not be directed to this GC until it is available again. Followed by these errors: Microsoft Exchange System Attendant failed to read the membership of the universal security group '/dc=com/dc=domain/ou=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/cn=Exchange Servers'; the error code was '8007203a'. The problem might be that the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant does not have permission to read the membership of the group. If this computer is not a member of the group '/dc=com/dc=domain/ou=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/cn=Exchange Servers', you should manually stop all Microsoft Exchange services, run the task 'add-ExchangeServerGroupMember,' and then restart all Microsoft Exchange services. DSACCESS returned an error '0x80040934' on DS notification. Microsoft Exchange System Attendant will re-set DS notification later. Microsoft Exchange System Attendant reported an error '0xc1034a2a' when setting DS notification. Thanks! Matt
December 1st, 2008 9:16pm

To add, I just checked for the ADAccess entry and it is finding the global catalogs. However, forcing an OAB update results in: Failed to generate offline Address Book, error '80072030'
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December 1st, 2008 9:28pm

Another few details... This is the first time the Exchange2007 has had an interruption with the GC's after the OAB was moved from Exchange2003. Prior to this interruption, the OAB was being generated properly. The power outage affected the GC's, so the Exchange2007 server did not lose power.
December 1st, 2008 10:12pm

Here's my output from running "update-offlineaddressbook -identity "default offline address list" -vb [PS] Z:\>Update-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "Default Offline Address List" -vbVERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Beginning processing.VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Searching objects "Default Offline AddressList" of type "OfflineAddressBook" under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Previous operation run on domaincontroller ''.VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Processing object "\Default OfflineAddress List".VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Searching objects "Public Folder Store(EXCHANGE2003)" of type "PublicFolderDatabase" under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Previous operation run on domaincontroller ''.VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Searching objects "exchange2007" oftype "Server" under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Previous operation run on domaincontroller ''.VERBOSE: Updating offline address book "Default Offline Address List".VERBOSE: Update-OfflineAddressBook : Ending processing. Should be a Global Catalog? Because in this output it is not a GC.The same applies for the "OriginatingServer". Here's the output from Get-OfflineAddressbook | fl Server : exchange2007 AddressLists : {Default Global Address List} Versions : {Version2, Version3, Version4} IsDefault : TRUE PublicFolderDatabase : Public Folder Store (EXCHANGE2003) PublicFolderDistributionEnabled : TRUE WebDistributionEnabled : TRUE DiffRetentionPeriod : 30 Schedule : {Sun.4:00 AM-Sun.4:15 AM, Mon.4:00 AM-Mon.4:1 5 AM, Tue.4:00 AM-Tue.4:15 AM, Wed.4:00 AM-We d.4:15 AM, Thu.4:00 AM-Thu.4:15 AM, Fri.4:00 AM-Fri.4:15 AM, Sat.4:00 AM-Sat.4:15 AM} VirtualDirectories : {OAB (Default Web Site), OAB (Default Web Site)} ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0) MinAdminVersion : -2147453113 AdminDisplayName : Name : Default Offline Address List DistinguishedName : CN=Default Offline Address List,CN=Offline Ad dress Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=DOM AIN,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Co nfiguration,DC=DOMAIN,DC=com Identity : \Default Offline Address List Guid : 2747d9db-3bea-4461-b77a-28b48b71ea80 ObjectCategory : ObjectClass : {top, msExchOAB} WhenChanged : 11/1/2008 17:58 WhenCreated : 9/28/2001 16:12 OriginatingServer : IsValid : TRUE Interesting to see that the Exchange2003 server is still in there for the PublicFolder Database. I've moved all instances to Exchange2007, or so I had thought. The Exchange2003 server is still up however, so this shouldn't be causing the problem.
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December 1st, 2008 10:29pm

I just tried creating a new OAB on the 07 server, just a secondary one, not default or anything. When I choose update, I get the exact same error. So this error suggests that ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT. Does this mean it can't find the Global Address List? The GAL is accessible, everything works fine in non-cached Outlook, OWA, and when entering one of the GC's into the Server name to do a check name in Outlook. I'm going to schedule a failover to the other node tonight to see if that triggers anything to get this working again. *update*: I've also gone to create a new Address List with all recipients etc... and Preview has shown the GAL up to date exactly as expected.
December 2nd, 2008 1:46am

*Fixed* After failing over to the passive and restarting the primary, the OAB update was successful. It must've had something to do with losing the GC's. Perhaps it's time to move to SP1
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December 2nd, 2008 10:35am

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