Exchange 2007 OAB Issues
I am having weird problems in a new environment I just arrived at-
Exchange 2007 SP2-
2 CAS/HT servers in a CAS array w/ NLB
1 MB Server
Windows 2008 Servers, Domain, Functional Level
OAB will not download at all on the Outlook 2007 clients. No errors on the client, or servers, even when diagnostic mode is set to export for MSExchangeSA | OALGenerator. It just times out when I manually download the address book, or Test Email connectivity.
I have verified its setup correctly as far as IIS, its permissions and virtual directory. The \\exchangeserver\oab and the https://cas/oab directory contents look good, so I am not sure how to fix, since I don't know what exactly is broken. Any suggestions
are VERY welcome. Here is the output from EMS and OABINTEG-
[PS] C:\Windows\System32>get-OabVirtualDirectory
Server Name
Internal Url External Url
------ ----
------------ ------------
CAS01 OAB (Default Web Site)
IRV-EDC-VMS40 OAB (Default Web Site)
[PS] C:\Windows\System32>get-offlineaddressbook |fl
AddressLists : {Default Global Address List}
Versions : {Version3, Version4}
IsDefault : True
PublicFolderDatabase : EXCHANGESERVER\Public Folder\2007Public
PublicFolderDistributionEnabled : True
WebDistributionEnabled : True
DiffRetentionPeriod : 30
Schedule : {Sun.4:00 AM-Sun.4:15 AM, Mon.4:00 AM-Mon.4:15 AM, Tue.4:00 AM-Tue.4:15 AM, Wed.4:00
AM-Wed.4:15 AM, Thu.4:00 AM-Thu.4:15 AM, Fri.4:00 AM-Fri.4:15
AM, Sat.4:00 AM-Sat.4:1
5 AM}
VirtualDirectories : {OAB (Default Web Site), OAB (Default Web Site)}
ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
AdminDisplayName :
Name : Default Offline Address List
DistinguishedName : CN=Default Offline Address List,CN=Offline Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,C
N=Kelley Blue Book,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=mycompany,
Identity : \Default Offline Address List
Guid : 341eac1a-c535-4e4d-adca-6f7eeec63a7f
ObjectCategory :
ObjectClass : {top, msExchOAB}
WhenChanged : 2/1/2011 5:07:57 PM
WhenCreated : 6/26/2006 5:11:15 PM
OriginatingServer :
IsValid : True
[PS] C:\Windows\System32>Test-OutlookWebServices |fl
Id : 1003
Type : Information
Message : About to test AutoDiscover with the e-mail address
Id : 1007
Type : Information
Message : Testing server with the published name & ht
Id : 1019
Type : Information
Message : Found a valid AutoDiscover service connection point. The AutoDiscover URL on this object is https://mail.mycompany.
Id : 1006
Type : Information
Message : The Autodiscover service was contacted at
Id : 1016
Type : Success
Message : [EXCH]-Successfully contacted the AS service at The elapsed time was
453 milliseconds.
Id : 1015
Type : Success
Message : [EXCH]-Successfully contacted the OAB service at The elapsed time was
0 milliseconds.
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting received the error The under
lying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting received the error Unable to
read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting received the error An existi
ng connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Id : 1014
Type : Error
Message : [EXCH]-Error when contacting the UM service at
mx. The elapsed time was 109 milliseconds.
Id : 1016
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR]-Successfully contacted the AS service at The elapsed time was
46 milliseconds.
Id : 1015
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR]-Successfully contacted the OAB service at The elapsed time was
0 milliseconds.
Id : 1014
Type : Information
Message : [EXPR]-The UM is not configured for this user.
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting received the error The server committed a protocol violation. Sectio
Id : 1017
Type : Error
Message : [EXPR]-Error when contacting the RPC/HTTP service at The elapsed time was 31 millis
Id : 1006
Type : Success
Message : The Autodiscover service was tested successfully.
Id : 1021
Type : Information
Message : The following web services generated errors.
Contacting server in EXPR
Please use the prior output to diagnose and correct the errors.
OABInteg (Offline Address Book Integrity Checker)
Version : 1, 0, 0, 1
Microsoft Corporation, Copyright (C) 2005
c:\OABinteg.txt has been opened for writing.
Registry scan started at: 11:07:11 AM
Checking for the (HKLM) Exchange Provider Registry Key
Checking for the DS Server registry value: The DS Server registry value not found - this is ok.
Checking for the (HKCU) Exchange Provider Registry Key
Checking for the DS Server registry value: The DS Server registry value not found - this is ok.
Checking for the DSAccess Profile Registry Keys
Default DSAccess profile key not found - this is ok.
Default DSAccess profile (UserDC1) key not found - this is ok.
Default DSAccess profile (UserGC1) key not found - this is ok.
Checking for user MAPI profiles.
Profile found: OABTEST
Profile found: Outlook
Checking for Exchange system MAPI profiles.
WARNING: No exchange server profiles on this system. This is ok.
Registry scan ended at: 11:07:11 AM
Starting Test 8 - OAB System Folder Check
OAB System folder check started at: 11:07:11 AM
Sort Locale being used by the server is: 1033
Code Page being used by the server is 1252
WARNING: Unable to retrieve the property for PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER from the profile.
Windows Message Subsystem profile registry subkey dca740c8c042101ab4b908002b2fe182 has no values.
Opening the Exchange Public Folder Store.
Retrieving the message store table.
Obtaining store table properties.
Trying to retrieve the property for the PR_ADDRBOOK_FOR_LOCAL_SITE_ENTRYID.
System folder opened.
# 1 : If you do not have any messages or attachments under your OAB Version 2 folder.
This is an indication that the that the OABgen process did not complete.
Please check your application log for warnings and or errors.
Scan Completed
Message Class Normal found: 2
Message Class Differential found: 36
Message Class Unknown found: 0
Message Attachments found: 241
Messages found but unable to read the properties: 0
System folders found: 4
Highest sequence number found: 1096
Lowest sequence number found: 4
Biggest attachment found: 93350 Bytes
Smallest attachment found: 106 Bytes
Biggest message found: 882353 Bytes
Smallest attachment found: 106 Bytes
Smallest message found: 325 Bytes
Scan Ended at: 11:07:14 AM
OABInteg (Offline Address Book Integrity Checker)
Version : 1, 0, 0, 1
Microsoft Corporation, Copyright (C) 2005
Program started at: 11:10:08 AM
Running OABInteg on: JLUNDFELT-E6410\jlundfelt
Trying to connect to: GC://irv-edc-dc1
Starting test 3 - Offline Address List Test
Search started at: 11:10:22 AM
cn: Default Offline Address List
distinguishedName: CN=Default Offline Address List,CN=Offline Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=My Company
ok,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=mycompany,DC=com
showInAdvancedViewOnly: 1
offLineABContainers: CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=My Company
e Book,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=mycompany,DC=com
offLineABServer: CN=IRV-EDC-MS05,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,
CN=My Companyok,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=mycompany,DC=com
siteFolderServer: CN=2007Public,CN=Public Folder,CN=InformationStore,CN=IRV-EDC-MS05,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrati
ve Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=My Companyok,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configurati
doOABVersion: 2
legacyExchangeDN: /o=My Companyok/cn=addrlists/cn=oabs/cn=Default Offline Address List
Search ended at: 11:10:22 AM
Scan Completed
Total address lists found: 1
Performing cleanup.
Unbinding ldap connections.
Closing all ldap connections.
Exiting application.
March 8th, 2011 2:20pm