Exchange 2007 OAB Not Updating on CAS
I have Exchange 2007 (8.3.0083.006) installed on two Server 2008 Servers SP2.
Exchange01 = Client Access, Hub Transport
Exchange02 = Mailbox
Lately, I have had a problem with the Offline Address Book updating. Specifically on the Client Access side.
Source: MSExchangeFDS
EventID: 1021
Process MSExchangeFDS.exe (PID=10156). Could not find directory \\EXCHANGE02\ExchangeOAB\dcb1de5d-cebc-4be4-bca3-c202589f9564. This is normal if the directory has never been generated. Otherwise, make sure this directory and share has read permission for the
"Exchange Servers" group.
When I click on the link above in the error message, I can access it with no problem. I have verified that the "Exchange Servers" group has the correct share and NTFS permissions. I even went as far as giving full control to everyone just
to test. Still no luck.
On Exchange02, the Mailbox role generates the OAB correctly and places it in the \\Exchange02\ExchangeOAB share. But every time I try and update the OAB on the CAS side, I get the error above. The GAL works correctly in OWA and Outlook 2003 clients
get the OAB through public folder distribution with no problem.
I also tried deleting the current offline address book and creating a new one but I get the same error. The OAB GUID does change and updates correctly on the mailbox side. The FDS error message above does change the path to the new OAB but still
cannot access it.
I can however manually copy the OAB from Exchange02 to Exchange01 and CAS serves it up fine with no problems. It just doesn't get updated. Since this process works, I can confirm that both the CAS and Mailbox roles are using the same OAB. If
not, FDS would delete it from the CAS side as it does not match the Mailbox side.
Any help on this is much appreciated as this one has me completely stumped.
January 12th, 2011 4:29pm
Are you able to browse your Offline address book base on the URL in IIS?
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January 12th, 2011 11:32pm
Is the Exchange 2007 CAS (Exchange01) included in the Exchange Servers Group? Did you check which account is logging on the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution Service, the default account should be Local System account. If not, you should change it back.
If it's System account, let's try Network Service account. Moreover, you have to give the corresponding permission to the Network Service on that ExchangeOAB shared folder, then check this issue.
AllenAllen Song
January 19th, 2011 2:43am