Exchange 2007 OOF Problem with Outlook
In Outlook 2007 I get this error message when I wants to open the Out of office option: "Your Out of Office settings cannot be displayed, because the server is currently unavailable. Try again later"
The connection was etablished by the internal server name, and also the auto configuration of the client worked. The OWA works with the same name. I'm using a SAN Certificate, which includes this name and also the public domain names.
What do I have to do to fix the problem?
May 28th, 2008 12:00am
Has this ever worked in your environment before? Has anything changed recently?I my experience this has been an issue with authentication settings on the autodiscover site.Josh
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May 29th, 2008 5:25am
Hi Josh
It never worked before. It's a new installation...
Can you explain me, which security settings I should set on this and also the other web folders?
Thanks, Norbert
May 29th, 2008 12:59pm
Before going on, I would like to explain that the following information:
When outlook 2007 wants to set OOF, it communicates with 'Exchange Web Servises' (EWS) virtual firectory in IIS. Outlook 2007 does not know path to EWS virtual directory in IIS so it queries the autodiscover service on Exchange 2007 server.
Therefore the autodiscovery service must be correctly configured when using Outlook 2007. Outlook 2007 "finds" autodiscover service either by query AD or DNS. After contacting the autodiscover, it will send a request to autodiscover. Then the autodiscover accepts the request and inquiry the OOF URL via the AD. So we should ensure the OOF URL is right and can be found correctly.
I suggest we check the Test Email AutoConfiguration from the Outlook client. The detailed steps as below:
Press Ctrl, then right click the Outlook icon in the System Tray. Click Test Email AutoConfiguration, then input the password of the account, click Test button.
Please check whether the correct OOF URL could be found in the test results.
After that, please view the suggestions based on the following link:
In order to understand the mechanism of the autodiscover, please view the below resource:
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May 29th, 2008 2:20pm
Hello Allen
Thanks for explaning! I did the test on the outlook client. All URL's where resolved correct
From Pro-Exchange:
Reason 1: Wrong Autodiscover Service settings
--- URL is OK, as tested above.Reason 2: Wrong certificate
--- The SAN Cert includes the owa and autodiscover URLReason 3: Wrong permission settings on the EWS virtual directory.
--- Basic and Anonymous removed, still problems...Reason 4: Logged on with another user account
--- its the right user logged on
Any more ideas?
Thanks a lot!!!
May 29th, 2008 4:36pm
If you havnt already tried it, login to OWA for the account you are getting the error with. See if you can change Out of Office settings here.
We had this issue intermittantly on various accounts, after the install of Office 2007 and appeared to be a temporary sinc issue betweem the client and exchange. Setting OOF via OWA fixed the issue in all cases.
Just thought it may help
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May 29th, 2008 5:00pm
Hi fishface
I tried it, but without success... The OOF could be enabled, but Outlook still reports the error....
May 29th, 2008 10:33pm
The cause of this issue may be the Outlook Anywhere.
Now please open Outlook, click Tools, click Account Settings, click More Settings button, in the Connection tab, please check whether you checked the Outlook Anywhere option.
If it was checked, please uncheck it. Then examine the issue.
If the issue persists, please run the test-outlookwebservices | fl command in the Exchange Management Shell.
Please paste the information so that I can find the root cause of the issue.
Below is the instruction about Test-outlookwebservices
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May 30th, 2008 5:52am
Hi Allen
Thanks for your help! Just a little question about the Web Services Authentication settings. Is this configuration OK, or do you think there should be a change?
Default Web Site
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Enable Anonymous
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
MS Active Sync
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
Authenticate access
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
Require SSL (+Require 128-bit)
Authenticate access
Are these ok, or would you change something (only OWA is in use...) Thanks for your feedback!
May 31st, 2008 3:45pm
After viewing the authentication settings of the Virtual Directory, I found all of them were configured correctly. There is no need to change anything.
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June 2nd, 2008 11:34am
For workaround this issue, plase chek the following link ;
Thank you,
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