Exchange 2007 OWA error
Hi,I am gettint the following error when trying to access exchange 2007 through OWA. "Outlook Web Access is unable to complete your request. If the problem continues, contact technical support for your organization and tell them the following: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox server is currently handling too many other requests and was unable to handle this request."Has anyone seem this before?Thank you in advance!!
May 28th, 2009 12:41am

Hi,If it is possible recreate owa and try again.Below codes remove and reinstall owa virtual directory get-owavirtualdirectory -server server_name -DomainController dc_name | ? {$_.OwaVersion -eq "Exchange2007"} | remove-owavirtualdirectory -DomainController dc_name new-OwaVirtualDirectory -OwaVersion "Exchange2007" -DomainController dc_name MCSE,CCNA,VCP,APP
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May 28th, 2009 9:27am

~ Do you get any error in application event log? Post it here if you have any... ~ Also run ExBPA and check for OWA or CAS related error if you get any...Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
May 29th, 2009 11:00am

Hi,Please try to restart the IIS to check this issue. If the issue persists, please post theerror message that you find from the event log.ThanksAllen
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June 1st, 2009 10:15am

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