Exchange 2007 Powershell help
Hi All, hopefully someone can help.
im looking for a powershell script to list (and export) all mailboxes which are hidden, also listing the last access date and mailbox size.
am i asking for too much?
July 29th, 2011 4:11am
Here is the shell command
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\raj-adm>$AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest=$true
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\raj-adm>Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited |where {$_.hiddenfromaddresslistsenabled -eq "true"} | Export-Csv c:\hidefrom.csv
Inform if any error thrown...
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July 29th, 2011 5:34am
thanks for the reply - but i figured it out - i used the following
get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | where {$_.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -Eq "True"} | get-mailboxstatistics | Select displayname,totalitemsize,lastlogontime
July 29th, 2011 5:37am