Exchange 2007 Pre-requisite check issue
I am attempting to install a second Exchange 2007 mailbox server into an existing environment. During setup's pre-check, I receive the following message and setup will not let me continue with the installation: Summary: 2 item(s). 1 succeeded, 1 failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:07 Organization PrerequisitesFailed Error:One or more servers in the existing organization is running Exchange Server 2003 without Service Pack 2 (or later). Installation cannot proceed until existing Exchange Server 2003 computers are upgraded to Service Pack 2.Recommended Action: Warning:Cannot find the Recipient Update Service responsible for domain 'DC=domain,DC=local'. New and existing users may not be properly Exchange-enabled. Elapsed Time: 00:00:03 The current environment has one Exchange 2007 server running Mailbox, HT, and CAS roles. Exchange 2003 was never part of this environment. There is, however, a Cisco Unity server in the environment. Active Directory sees this server as part of the Exchange organization. I can't view this server object in the Exchange Console, but after pulling it up in ADSIEdit, I found that the "serialNumber" attribute for it showed "Version 6.5 (Build 6944.4)". So, I edited this value, making it "Version 6.5 (Build 7638.2: Service Pack 2)", hoping that I could fool the pre-check. :-) In viewing the XML data file for the pre-check, it appears that this trick worked. However, I'm still having the issue. Apparently, the pre-check, in seeing that an Exchange 2003 server exists, believes that a Recipient Update Service for the domain should also exist. Obviously, since the Unity server isn't an actual Exchange server, and this is otherwise a purely Exchange 2007 organization, there is no such thing as a RUS. So, what to do? Is there any way to skip the pre-check during setup? Is there another workaround that anyone knows of? I'm hoping someone's experienced this issue before. Thanks in advance for any advice.
October 6th, 2008 8:08pm

Don't mean to be unhelpful, but it sounds like you need to ask Cisco if this appliance is supported with Exchange 2007, and if so, how.
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November 4th, 2008 4:52pm

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