Exchange 2007 Public Folders/Email addresses
Having an issue with my public folders..Migrated from 2003, quite a few mail enabled public folders, was all working until a few weeks ago, now getting delivery errors to the users. Ran through basic powershell troubleshooting, finally deleted the folder and created a new one.,
Set-MailPublicFolder -Identity "\Customer Service" PrimarySmtpAddress
I get:
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Administroatr\Desktop>Set-MailPublicFolder-Identity "\CustomerService" -PrimarySmtpAddress
Set-MailPublicFolder : This command will clear the PrimarySMTPAddress property.Because EmailAddressPolicyEnabled is set to true, this action is not allowed.At line:1 char:21+ Set-MailPublicFolder <<<< -Identity "\CustomerService" -PrimarySmtpAddress
i get similar errors when I do with WindowsEmailaddresss. Is there a step I am missing? I only have the default domain policy which does include the domain I am using, and I don't believe I can or should unset the EmailAddressPolicyEnabled since I only have the one.
Any suggestions?
June 7th, 2007 11:01pm