Exchange 2007 Public Folders autoresonder
I need to setup auto responder to a shared Public Folder in Exchnage 2007. The folder is named Resume and HR wants to send an automaic response to a submited resume.
I thought this would be an easy find, but I'm finding it's not.
Thansk in advance for all help and suggestions.
August 16th, 2008 1:26am
Hi Todd,
Make sure that you have owner permission on that public folder including Send-As.
Send-As permission can be given by this...
Get-Mailpublicfolder \PathTo\Resume | Add-ADpermission -user Your ID -ExtendedRights "Send As"
Reference: Public Folder Cmdlets
Now, Go to Outlook 2007.
Go to particular public folder.Properties -> Administration -> Folder Assistant.Add a new rule. Run with reply with" option, and create a template with your reply and save it.
This works if your public folder sending autoreply to internal domain.
If you wish to send autoreply to outside of your domain then you need to enable autoreply option on remote domain.
EMC -> Organization -> Hub Transport -> Remote Domain -> Default -> Properties.
Message Format tab and enable autoreply option.
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August 16th, 2008 10:02am
Hi, Todd. I had created two Org to test Amits solution. And its working
My environment:
Mail.LAB.COM [Exchange 2003]--> Mail.SG.COM [Exchange 2007]
August 18th, 2008 8:53am
Hi, Todd, I assume your question has been answered, and I'd like to change the status to "Marked as answer", please feel free to post here if you have any update
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August 20th, 2008 4:18am