Exchange 2007 Recovery Group Restore with BackupExec2010
Environment: Exchange 2007, Windows Server 2003, BackupExec2010
I am trying to restore a mailbox from a backup tape. I am using the "Redirect to a Recovery Storage Group" option in BackupExec to restore the mailbox database to the recovery
storage group that I created( The restore completes successfully. After working
with Symantec, I figured out that BackupExec is restoring a file called Mailbox Database.edb successfully into the Recovery Storage Group folder, but when you mount the RSG database, it creates another file named Mailbox1.ebd in this folder (which is the name
of our production database). Any command you execute on the newly created and mounted RSG databse uses Mailbox1.edb, not Mailbox Database.edb and of course finds no mailboxes on a restore because it is empty. I tried renaming the edb's but it fails
on the mount. I have a screen shot of the RSG folder if you want to see it. Suggestions?
April 19th, 2011 4:00pm
So simply rename the restored database in the RSG the same as whatever you named the recovery store before you mount it.
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April 19th, 2011 4:15pm
Hadn't tried that but you get the following error. You get this same error if you rename the edb's after it creates the alternate name.
Error encountered while trying to mount the database (Mailbox Database) in the recovery storage group (RSG1). Error message is: Exchange is unable to mount the database that you specified. Specified database: MAIL1\RSG1\Mailbox Database;
Error code: MapiExceptionCallFailed: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-550)
Keanan Wright
April 19th, 2011 5:07pm
Thats really odd, was the EDB ever named Mailbox.edb in the past? So when it creates the new Mailbox1.edb the restored Mailbox.edb is still there correct?
For validation that the database restored is mountable download our DigiScope product and point it at a copy of the Mailbox.edb thats been restored
and also to the log path. At least if it opens then we will know the DB is good and can then look at how to get RSG to mount it Troy Werelius
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April 20th, 2011 10:28am
Very wierd indeed. Yes the restored edb was still there along with the one that the RSG mount process created.
I researched this error message and figured out that the database was in dirty shutdown, so I used eseutil to repair the restored database. After the repair, I renamed it to the production database name and it mounted. I could then run the restore mailbox
command to restore the mailbox.
Thanks for the tip!Keanan Wright
April 20th, 2011 10:45am
Very wierd indeed. Yes the restored edb was still there along with the one that the RSG mount process created.
I researched this error message and figured out that the database was in dirty shutdown, so I used eseutil to repair the restored database. After the repair, I renamed it to the production database name and it mounted. I could then run the restore mailbox
command to restore the mailbox.
Thanks for the tip!
Keanan Wright
If it was dirty, then you didnt do a complete restore from BE or didnt replay all the correct trans logs.
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April 20th, 2011 10:48am
Yeah thats odd and as Andy says either the logs were not restored OR the logs were not being rolled up. using the /P is definitely the last ditch effort to attempt but glad it worked out. More here for future reference on Eseutil for
log roll up
Troy Werelius
April 20th, 2011 11:01am