Exchange 2007 SMTP restricition
I have configured smtp on my exchange server and I only accept authenticated users. The problem is that once authenticated they can specify any email address on the from address. is there a way to restrict that once the user has been authenticated, he
is only allowed to send a email with is personal email id ? I want to avoid users sending mail using other email ids. Thanks in advance!
February 23rd, 2012 2:16pm
All users meet the issue?
What's the meaning of any email address? It should can only choose the address in your org that you have.
In my test lab,i also can choose any address which is in my org,but i can't send mail use other address unless i have right permission.
So can you tell me more information about your problem.
I think you can try to use transport rule.
About transport rule you can see:
hope can help you
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February 26th, 2012 9:35pm
How about your issue?
Any update?
Please remember to mark as answer.
TechNet Community Support
February 28th, 2012 8:12pm
Hi Castinlu,
I am extremely sorry for this late response, the funny thing is that I was not able to locate the post where I publish my question until today...:-(
You are correct, the meaning of any email address refers to any email under my organization. My receive connectors allow to send emails from any authenticated user, but as far as I understand it does not check that the authenticated user is sending with
its asociated email address.
the problem of this is that users can send mails in the name of other users using smtp.
is it posible to resolve this problem using transport rules ? how can I prevent this ?
Thanks in advance!
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March 20th, 2012 10:26am